Enjoying Winter Holidays

How I spend my winter holidays

The winter holidays are not my favorite ones simply because I do not like cold, snow, moisture, short gray days, turmoil, busy shops and streets, hysterical shopping.

However, Iā€˜m extremely lucky every end of December because I have the opportunity to spend 2 weeks of holidays together with my little family; and we use to enjoy these days as low-key as possible.

Iā€™m also excited because I have the opportunity to do a lot of things that I really love:

  1. To read a lot perched on top of my bed;
  2. To have long, relaxing baths;
  3. To have breakfast / coffee / tea / hot chocolate in bed;
  4. To play Monopoly / Scrabble / Rummy etc. together with family;
  5. To go to the opera / theater;
  6. To listen to music;
  7. To have siestas after lunch;
  8. To relax each evening surrounded by candlelight;
  9. To take family walks;
  10. To organize together with my better half, marathon viewing of interesting TV series.

I think that whatever meaning these holidays have for each and every one of us, the most important thing is to relax, to spend time with important people in our lives, to think positively, to laugh, to do good whenever we can / have the opportunity, to be creative and to share positive energy!

Happy New Year to you all!

I wish each and every one of you only happy moments and delicious surprises!

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